Tephrocactus bonnieae (D.J.Ferguson & R.Kiesling) Stuppy
- Common Name:
- Family: Cactaceae Juss.
- Synonym(s): Puna bonnieae
- Country of Origin: Argentina: DJF 319, Cuesta Loro Huasi

- Description: Dwarf, geophytic cactus with tuberous roots. Native to high-altitude desert in northwest Argentina.
Accession Data:
- Accession # 202400012
- Source: Dylan Hannon
- Provenance:
D.J.Ferguson 319, Cuesta Loro Huasi, Catamarca, Argentina, elevation ca. 2000 M. Cutting from Dylan Hannon, Huntington B.G.
- Accession Date: 02-08-2024
- Bench: 2215 - XER:Atacama-Sechura/Andean Deserts
- Currently: active - healthy
- Qty: 1 confirmed on 06-17-2024
- Restrictions:
- IUCN Red List: Endangered Species
- CITES Appendix II Listed Plant
- BGCI Limited Ex Situ Distribution - Plants do not leave building without Manager approval!
- Distribution Agreement (CBD or similar) - Plants do not leave Greenhouse/TLS w/o Manager approval!
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- SubClass: core eudicots
- Order: Caryophyllales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Cactaceae
- SubFamily: Opuntioideae
- Tribe: Tephrocacteae
- SubTribe:
References (internal):
References (external):
Kew Plants of the World Online accessed Feb. 8, 2024
data regenerated on Tue, 15 Oct 2024 10:25:48 -0400 [bcm v4.0]