Aristolochia ringens Vahl.
- Common Name: Gaping Dutchman's Pipe
- Family: Aristolochiaceae Juss.
- Country of Origin: northern South America, naturalized in Central America & Caribbean

- Habitat: climbing shrub
- Description: Stout, glaucous lianas. Leaves glabrous, broadly cordate, obtuse at the apex, 7-15 cm broad, 7-12 cm long, green above, beneath gray. Pseudostipules large, petiole or a stigma, when the style is absent.">sessile, amplexicaul, ruffled. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils, ebracteolate, geniculate, mottled red, yellow, green and purple, the utricle subglobose, 7 cm long, syrinx absent, the tube straight, emerging from the side of the utricle at a sharp angle, 4 cm long, annulus absent, the limb with 2 superposed lobes, the upper lobe ovate), and broadly tapering to each end; wider than oblanceolate.">obovate-spatulate, not deflected, 4-5 cm wide, 8 cm long, the lower lobe stiffly
erect, narrowly lanceolate, 16-20 cm long. Gynostemium 6-lobed, the lobes spreading-coroniform, 1 cm high, 8 mm broad, the anthers 2.5-3.0 cm wide, dehiscence acropetal, septifragal, the hypanthium present, bent. Seeds numerous, narrowly cordate, flat, 7 mm wide, 12 mm long, 0.2 mm thick. 1
Accession Data:
- Accession # 198500199
- Source: Unknown
- Provenance:
- March 2017 - This accession is undocumented, its long-standing presence (pre-1985) in the living collection and the presence of (3) greenhouse herbarium specimens dating to May, 1968 are likely one and the same. The herbarium also contains one specimen collected in June 1967 as Aristolochia ringens, but subsequently determined as Aristolochia hians. The possibility exists that the original 1967 specimen was also brought into the greenhouse collection at that time, but has retained the Aristolochia ringens ID.
- CONN Herbarium Specimens. Last accessed on Thursday, March 16, 2017.
- Accession Date: 12-31-1985
- Bench: 1317 - NEOA: South Bench E
- Currently: active - healthy
- Qty: 1 confirmed on 02-26-2025
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- SubClass: magnoliids
- Order: Piperales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Aristolochiaceae
- SubFamily: Aristolchioideae
- Tribe: Aristolochieae
- SubTribe:
Flowering Data:
This accession has been observed in bloom on:
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2025 |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
References (internal):
References (external):
- Pfeifer, H.W., Revision of the North and Central American Hexandrous Species of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae), Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 53, No. 2. (1966), pp. 115-196. Last accessed on Thursday, March 16, 2017.
- The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Last accessed on Thursday, March 16, 2017.
- Aristolochia ringens at Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Last accessed on Thursday, March 16, 2017.
data regenerated on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:24:02 -0500 [bcm v4.0]