Country of Origin: Japan, to the Himalayas, to Northern Australia
Description: Fern with climbing, twining fronds of indeterminate growth, to
30 m (90 ft) long; main rachis wiry, stemlike. Leafy branches off main rachis (constituting
the pinnae) compound, triangular in overall outline, 10-20 cm (4-8 in) long and
about as wide. Leaflets (pinnules) lobed, stalked, with terminal lobes often dissected
(pinnatifid), basal lobes irregularly lobed or dissected; leaf-blade tissue pubescent below
with short, curved hairs. Fertile leaflets contracted in shape, with two rows of sporangia
along the leaf margin, which is enrolled to partially cover the sporangia.ked and petiole or axis; also applied to how the lateral veins are arranged in relation to the main vein.">pinnate, margins serrate.
Culture: warm temperate to tropical areas, listed as invasive species in the Southern United States, where it is having a significant negative impact upon native flora.
USDA Zone: 8a-11
Accession Data:
Accession # 199900060
Source: Deb Wiley - Virginia Tech
Accession Date: 06-08-1999
Bench: 1117 - AFR:South Tanks E
Currently: active - healthy
Qty: 1 confirmed on 02-26-2025
Potentially Invasive Plant - Plants are not to leave Greenhouse!
W/C = Wild Collected = indicates flowering in past 14 days
= images available for this accession
= map available for this accession
= accession added within past 90 days