Dendrosicyos socotranus Balf.f.
- Common Name: Cucumber Tree
- Family: Cucurbitaceae Juss.
- Country of Origin: Socotra

- Habitat: succulent shrubland on limestone; less common on igneous rocks
- Description: Dendrosicyos socotranus is a monotypic, endemic genus, and perhaps the best example of the swollen-trunked bottle-trees for which Soqotra is famous. On Soqotra it is widely distributed in several vegetation types but has a rather fragmented distribution; over large areas there are only isolated trees or small, relict populations, whilst in other areas it is relatively abundant. There are a few trees on the island of Samha, but none on Darsa or Abd al-Kuri.
Accession Data:
- Accession # 199700044
- Source: Tim Metcalf - UC-Davis
- Accession Date: 07-29-1997
- Bench: 2208 - XER:Horn of Africa
- Currently: active - healthy
- Qty: 1 confirmed on 07-31-2024
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- SubClass: eurosids I
- Order: Cucurbitales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Cucurbitaceae
- SubFamily:
- Tribe: Coniandreae
- SubTribe:
References (internal):
- EEB Greenhouse Holdings native to: Socotra
References (external):
- Miller, A. 2004. Dendrosicyos socotrana. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. . Downloaded on 27 March 2009.
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