Description: Plants to 2 3/4 inches long; floating leaves nearly orbicular, to 5/8 inches long and 3/4 inches wide, upper surface covered with rows of papillae. each with a tuft of 4 hairs, the hairs separate from one another, lower surface with brown hairs. Tropical America; introduced locally in eastern US.
Difficult to distinguish from other species, form often variable depending upon plant density.
Accession Data:
Accession # 199400181
Source: CEM ex C Armstrong - UVM
Accession Date: 12-02-1994
Bench: 3307 - NEOB: Bromeliad Island
Currently: active - healthy
Qty: 1 confirmed on 03-03-2025
Federally Listed Noxious Weed - Plants are not to leave Greenhouse!
Potentially Invasive Plant - Plants are not to leave Greenhouse!
W/C = Wild Collected = indicates flowering in past 14 days
= images available for this accession
= map available for this accession
= accession added within past 90 days